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This podcast consists of selected talks, homilies, and presentations to help everyone encounter Christ,

grow into the person God is calling you to be, and witness to the difference it makes to have Jesus in your life.

No matter how steep the climb, may you keep your eyes fixed on Christ!

Jun 20, 2016

On this 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses the cost of discipleship. If we want to be disciples of Jesus, then we must first deny ourself and pick up our cross.

Jun 12, 2016

On this 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how Jesus brings true mercy to those who are most in need and how we, too, can be instruments of that mercy.

Jun 6, 2016

On this 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish encourages the congregation to consider what breaks their heart. He discusses how compassion helps us to move us to action and do something about the world around us.

Jun 4, 2016

Bishop Donald J. Hying has declared a synod for the Diocese of Gary. In this episode, Bishop Hying visits Taltree Arboretum and Gardens as he discusses the topic of the Church's social teaching.

Jun 4, 2016

Bishop Donald J. Hying has declared a synod for the Diocese of Gary. In this episode, Bishop Hying discusses the topic of discipleship and formation.