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This podcast consists of selected talks, homilies, and presentations to help everyone encounter Christ,

grow into the person God is calling you to be, and witness to the difference it makes to have Jesus in your life.

No matter how steep the climb, may you keep your eyes fixed on Christ!

Oct 31, 2015

On this 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Kevin Huber, the pastor of Queen of All Saints Parish, discusses how if we are unhappy with the way things are, we can overcome our current condition by seeking the Lord.

Oct 19, 2015

On this 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses what it means to have true greatness. Fr. Chris explains how Christ gives us the example of authentic greatness.

Oct 19, 2015

Queen of All Saints Parish hosted a Holy Hour for Vocations in which they invited the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration to speak. The sisters share their vocation stories and the process of religious life.

Oct 13, 2015

On this 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how what we do comes from who we are. If we want to discover what Jesus wants us to do in life, then we have to learn to first be with Jesus.

Oct 11, 2015

The Vocations Office of the Diocese of Gary hosted an evening of discernment. In this meditation, Fr. Chris Stanish explains how it is that we can discover God's will for us in our lives.