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This podcast consists of selected talks, homilies, and presentations to help everyone encounter Christ,

grow into the person God is calling you to be, and witness to the difference it makes to have Jesus in your life.

No matter how steep the climb, may you keep your eyes fixed on Christ!

Feb 19, 2018

On this 1st Sunday of Lent, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses temptation, why we experience it, how it works, and how we can overcome it.

Feb 17, 2018

On this 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Bishop Donald Hying visits St. Teresa of Avila and discusses the powerful and healing touch of Jesus Christ.

Feb 15, 2018

For this celebration of Ash Wednesday, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how we bear a mark that is far greater than anything else in the world.

Feb 12, 2018

On this 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how Jesus desires to reach out and touch our ugliness in order to transform us and make us whole.

Feb 5, 2018

On this 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses what it means to worship and celebrate.