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This podcast consists of selected talks, homilies, and presentations to help everyone encounter Christ,

grow into the person God is calling you to be, and witness to the difference it makes to have Jesus in your life.

No matter how steep the climb, may you keep your eyes fixed on Christ!

Sep 27, 2021

On this 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how there is a widespread but popular idea that holiness is the work of human beings. In this homily, he shares how it is so much more than that.

Sep 20, 2021

On this 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses what true greatness is and how we can live it out in our lives.

Sep 18, 2021

Once a month, St. Teresa of Avila's Campus Ministry hosts an evening of adoration with praise and worship. This evening FOCUS Missionary, Rachel Tschann, gives her personal testimony about how the Sacrament of Reconciliation gave her the freedom she needed to live her life in joy.

Sep 13, 2021

On this 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses the three conditions of being a disciple of Jesus, and the necessity to embrace the Cross.