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This podcast consists of selected talks, homilies, and presentations to help everyone encounter Christ,

grow into the person God is calling you to be, and witness to the difference it makes to have Jesus in your life.

No matter how steep the climb, may you keep your eyes fixed on Christ!

Dec 31, 2017

On this Feast of the Holy Family, Fr. Chris Stanish addresses the men of the community to look to St. Joseph as a model and example of what it means to be a Catholic man in the world.

Dec 26, 2017

On this Christmas Day, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses the great gift that God has given us and the importance of putting it to use.

Dec 26, 2017

On this 4th Sunday of Advent, Deacon Bob Marben uses the story of the Annunciation to encourage people to let Jesus love them.

Dec 19, 2017

On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how John the Baptist came to testify to the light, and how each one of us is also called to bear witness to the Light.

Dec 11, 2017

On this 2nd Sunday of Advent, Fr. Chris Stanish discusses how our friendships are a channel through which we can share the good news of the Gospel.